The prints in Finding Poetry are intensely mediated representations of poems by astrophysicist Rebecca Elson. Using the process described below, I search for each poem one word at a time on the Internet, and data about this search generates the intricate patterns that appear to smear across the surface as they draw out information about each line of poetry.
Abstract Expressions, curated show, Patrajdas Contemportary at Evolution Healthcare, SLC, UT, 2016
Invisible Things, Whitespace Gallery, Ogden, UT (w/ Stephen Wolochowicz), 2015
Red Balloons, Clemson University Center for Visual Arts, Greenville, SC (w/ S. Wolochowicz), 2014
Biennial Faculty Show, group exhibition, Mary-Elizabeth Dee Shaw Gallery, Ogden, UT, 2014
Traces of Awe, Whittenberg University, Springfield OH (solo exhibition), 2013
Fragile Elements, Haggerty Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, TX (w/ Tanya Synar), 2013
Lectures and Presentations
Invited Panelist, Digital Visualization Theater, Society for Literature, Science, & the Arts, Notre Dame, IN, 2013
Visiting Artist, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, 2012