This body of work is made of machine-cut mylar, machine-knit cotton and hand-felted wool. The sculptures are assemblages of materials from disparate sources (petroleum, plant, animal) that feature fugitive transitions, built-on-the-fly components and imperfect joints that hold together without clear logic, evoking the layered, inelegant and disorderly nature of the technical systems we so often perceive to be clean, orderly and efficient. While we experience these systems as logical and monolithic, they are often messy, fragmentary and imperfect beneath the surface. These early investigations serve as a way to think about the ruptures, glitches, work-arounds that are central to the production of technical systems.
For more knit, wool and mylar works, see Best Laid Plans
20/20 Visions: A view from the studio of the 2020 Visual Art Fellows, Utah Arts & Museums online, 2021