Show: January 15 – April 1 || Reception: January 25, 2:00 – 5:00

Welcome to The Butterfly Factory – Bradford Edition! The Butterfly Factory is a project that creates one-of-a-kind butterfly images, some of which are inspired directly by our town of Bradford. This set of works was initially based on wings drawn by Leondardo da Vinci as part of a flying machine sketch. Each of the butterflies in this show is unique – they are generated by a program written by Morin, and then printed in pigment ink by a vinyl cutter that Morin modified for this process. For Morin, the butterflies signify curiosity for nature, science and math, and are a celebration of exploration and play.
The Bradford Butterflies are 10 brand new butterflies inspired by our community. These butterflies have open, outstretched wings that are full and flowing. They are meant to reflect the warm welcome she experienced from her neighbors when she moved to Bradford this summer, and her hopes for Bradford as a vibrant and inclusive community.